Dr. Hakob Kockaryan, MD
Interventional RadiologistDr. Kocharyan graduated from Yerevan State Medical University in Armenia (2011). Soon after his residency he moved to Cleveland, Ohio where he continued his training at the Cleveland Clinic General Surgery department.
His extensive postgraduate training in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (ESIR, Early Specialization in Interventional Radiology) is at Wayne State Medical University/Detroit Medical Center where he currently trains.
Dr. Kocharyan’s interests include diagnosis and treatment of solid organ tumors, implementation of advance imaging and interventional techniques in clinical oncology. He research interests include hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic metastases treatment with intraarterial Y90 injection, cost efficiency and medical education. Some of Dr. Kocharyan’s clinical interests are interventional oncology, peripheral arterial disease management and neurointerventional radiology.